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Being a feminist and PRACTICING feminism in your daily life are two different things!

Learning to see everything through a corrective lens is not easy. & practicing feminism? TOUGHER. For various reasons.

To start with, you are going to lose a lot of people in your life.

Your friends/families/core families/extended families/families outside your blood... people with whom you started your life once, who once taught you the values/beliefs. & this list is just ever expanding! You are going to hurt/upset a lot of people, & You are going to be the most 'hated' person in their life.

The films/songs you liked and thought were awesome once now sense so much nonsense & misogynistic. Everything feels foggy/confusing, exhausting, and overwhelming.

It feels like stepping into a dark space, a well-lit dark space!

But then it teaches one to reflect on one’s acts and stuff one says and thus to get empowered! You feel lonely & scared, but you also get to see that your self-respect is RESTORED!

PRACTICING feminism is a one-way ticket to freedom! Once you taste it, you get addicted to it! It is not possible to ever come back and distaste that freedom, no matter what price you have to pay now!

& That's it!

[A 26th January thought! 8 years into marriage... in break & therapy.]


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