Thoughts are complex. Thoughts are connected. Thoughts are dynamic and ever-evolving.

চিন্তাবোৰ/ভাৱবোৰ লানি নিচিগাকৈ শাৰী পাতি যোৱা পৰুৱাৰ দৰে। এটাৰ পাছত এটাকৈ আহি থাকে, আৰু আহিয়েই থাকে। মাজতে চুই দিলে গোটেইখন খেলি-মেলি হৈ পৰে, কিন্তু আকৌ শাৰী পাতে।
এই যে চিন্তাবোৰ আমি কেতিয়াৰপৰা কৰিবলৈ শিকোঁ, কেনেকৈ কৰিবলৈ শিকোঁ!! শৈশৱৰপৰা আৰম্ভ কৰি জীৱনৰ শেষ অৱস্থালৈ হোৱা বিভিন্ন ঘটনাই, বিভিন্ন অভিজ্ঞতাই, exposure-এ যিদৰে আমাৰ চিন্তাবিলাকৰ জন্ম দিয়ে, গঢ় দিয়ে, উত্তৰণ ঘটায় that really amazes me.
I realize life is nothing but a continuous process of unlearning-&-relearning our thoughts. You stop this natural process, your life would definitely become saturated/exhausted.
I was a good observer and quick learner (I do see myself that way) since the young age, yet I learnt this curated term 'unlearning-relearning' only when I came to Pune for my PhD. During my stay in Pune from Feb, 2008-Mar, 2016 I kinda rediscovered my life. Rather I should say I reorganized my thoughts and rearranged my life. That was a turning point, off course a good one. That was the time when I re-realized my passion, and thus gave up my career and decided to move to a completely new field.
This was probably also the time when I started seeing myself as a feminist and wanted to fight all the stereotypes/harassments I had been through until then or in future. I felt relieved, freed.
This space, is to share my life experiences, to document my journey, my ever-evolving thought process. Through this space I want to let people know that if you wanna fight, none can hold you back. Through this space I also want to let know my coping mechanisms, to discuss why self-love and self-respect are the two most important things to survive happily and why it is really important to keep asking questions, even if it's an uncomfortable one, until you get the answer.
Stay tuned :)